I want to thank Kevin Rankin and Karen Chow for helping me navigate Word Press. I am still a newbie, but I am getting it.
We started a You Tube. And we’re going to do a Facebook page. It might be easier given the video length restrictions.
I got a camera for my birthday and I am learning how to use it. My former camera was a Pentax K-1000 and a manual. This one can take video. Now I will need to learn how to upload it and also use my storage space. I am sure I can figure it out. I am learning to crawl right now.
I have done some in front of camera music playing just to see what I need to do. I also need to utilize all of my photo-video devices. I tried to use the computer one but it doesn’t have good audio. So for talking, it’ll do okay.
We are hunkering down and practicing social distancing. It’s difficult, but I have so much to do and learn that it’s not going to be horrible unless one of us gets sick.
Dante did well in college this term. They’re going to do classes online until this virus passes over. He has some harder courses this coming term. Unsure they will open the school soon. We’re just trying to flatten the curve of infections.
We hope you all stay healthy. Peace